Ethical Reflections from the Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth, often seen as a simple love story, holds profound insights into immigrant relationships, philanthropy, and social justice within the Hebrew Bible. Through a closer examination, we can uncover the ethical dimensions of the narrative, especially as they pertain to migration and community responsibility. Here are three key takeaways from this exploration:…

CREATION, COSMOGONY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Deciphering the Relationship between Humanity and the Earth in the Book of Genesis

Jump to the Video Presentation The book of Genesis has often been at the forefront of debates surrounding the environment and our role within it. How should we interpret humanity’s relationship with the Earth from a scriptural perspective? In a video presentation, I delved into the two creation narratives in Genesis and their implications for…

The Psalter and Abraham’s Prayers

This month’s Oxford Interfaith Forum Monthly Interfaith Psalm Reading & Discussion, hosted by the Oxford Interfaith Forum, was led by Ustadha Yomna Helmy, Centre of Islamic Studies, the University of Cambridge on a Comparative Reading of the Hebrew Bible Psalter and Abraham’s Prayers in the Quran. Two Prayer Texts Dr. Helmy brought us along on…

ANELC eLecture Series 2021: Egyptian Influences in Biblical Hebrew

Letizia Cerqueglini (Tel Aviv University) presented on the spread of Egyptian language found in ancient Hebrew. Her presentation focused on linguistic and cognitive distinctions in the etymology of Afroasiatic languages. She begins by asking how we can separate Afroasiatic linguistic heritage from direct loanwords in antiquity. Her presentation considers many aspects of the connection between…

SBLAAR20: Day Ten

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom—Tenth Day of a 10-day online academic conference Two years ago, at SBLAAR18 in Denver, CO, I gave a presentation on the final morning of the conference. It is not a popular time slot and is usually filled with visitors on their way to the airport, luggage in hand. The virtual conference last…

ANELC eLecture Series 2020: Culture and Context of Jewish Greek Writings in the Second Temple Period

Dr. Marieke Dhont presented the ANELC eLecture this week, demonstrating linguistic connections between Greek and Jewish culture. In addition, her study provides evidence for a bilingual community of Jews in the Second Temple Period. This time period followed the introduction of Hellenism from the west into the whole of the ancient Near East. Hellenistic Greek…

ANELC eLecture Series 2020: Egyptian Language in the Hebrew Bible

Professor Gary A. Rendsburg gave this week’s ANELC eLecture on ancient Near Eastern linguistic connections between Egyptian and ancient Hebrew. The lecture flowed naturally from last week’s, given on linguistic connections between Afroasiatic languages. While Dr. Aaron Rubin gave a detailed analysis of shared linguistic features, Dr. Rendsburg looked at specific words and phrases which…

ANELC eLecture Series 2020: Egyptian Influences in Semitic Languages

This past Wednesday, the ANELC eLecture was presented by Dr. Aaron Rubin, a Semiticist at Penn State University. Dr. Rubin walked us through linguistic exchanges that suggest a kinship between Egyptian and Semitic languages. Semitic and Egyptian are two branches of a group of ancient Near Eastern languages referred to as Afroasiatic. Dr. Rubin’s presentation…