Three Views of Jesus
This six-week course meets virtually once weekly during the 2023 Christian Lenten season. This book club is a facilitated discussion of the book Three Faces of Jesus: How Jews, Christians, and Muslims See Him by Josef Imbach.
Lent is a season of anticipation before Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated by Christians in many different traditions. Lent begins on a Wednesday in the spring, called Ash Wednesday. During Lent, many Christians deprive themselves of some habit or luxury to remember Christ's suffering and the depravity of humanity leading up to Passion Week. Lent comes to a conclusion on Good Friday, which is two days before the Celebration of Easter. Lent is a season of remembrance and focuses on Christ, the Messiah. As such, it is a good time to reflect on the reception of Jesus throughout history. Jesus is the Christian Messiah. Jesus is also considered a great Teach or Prophet by Jews and Muslims.
This Book Club is hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church. You can order the book from Amazon here, or support a local bookstore. Please read the Introduction (pp. 5-8) before the first meeting. This discussion group will meet 7:00pm each Tuesday during Lent, February 28th through March 4th. REGISTER HERE.
Read the Introduction to Three Faces of Jesus: How Jews, Christians, and Muslims See Him by Josef Imbach.
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