Grammars, Primers, & Lexicons
Akkadian Grammars
A Grammar of Akkadian
Key to a Grammar of Akkadian
Huehnergard John. 2013. Key to a Grammar of Akkadian (version Third edition) Third ed. Winona Lake Indiana: Eisenbrauns.
An Akkadian Handbook: helps, paradigms, helps, glossary, logograms, and sign list
Miller Douglas B and R. Mark Shipp. 2014. An Akkadian Handbook: Helps Paradigms Helps Glossary Logograms and Sign List (version Completely revised and expanded edition) Completely revised and expanded ed. Winona Lake Indiana: Eisenbrauns.
Basics of Akkadian: a grammar, workbook, and lexicon
Biblical Aramaic Grammars
A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic
Basics of Biblical Aramaic: complete grammar, lexicon, and annotated text
Basics of Biblical Aramaic video lectures: a complete course for the beginner
Biblical Hebrew Grammars
Biblical Hebrew: an introductory grammar
A handbook to Biblical Hebrew: an introductory grammar
A grammar for Biblical Hebrew
Handbook to A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew
A basic introduction to Biblical Hebrew, with CD
Hackett Jo Ann. 2010. A Basic Introduction to Biblical Hebrew with Cd. Peabody Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers Marketing.
Basics of Biblical Hebrew grammar
Basics of Biblical Hebrew video lectures
Graded reader of Biblical Hebrew: a guide to reading the Hebrew Bible
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar
An introduction to biblical Hebrew syntax
Intermediate Biblical Hebrew grammar: a student's guide to phonology and morphology
Reymond Eric D. 2017. Intermediate Biblical Hebrew Grammar : A Student's Guide to Phonology and Morphology. Atlanta: SBL Press.
The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English lexicon
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament
A concise Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of the Old Testament
Ugaritic Grammars
A Manual of Ugaritic
An Introduction to Ugaritic
A basic grammar of the Ugaritic language: with selected texts and glossary
Basics of ancient Ugaritic: a concise grammar, workbook, and lexicon
A primer on Ugaritic: language, culture, and literature
Schniedewind William M and Joel H Hunt. 2007. A Primer on Ugaritic: Language Culture and Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press.