SBLAAR20: Day One

Not Zoom Fatigued Yet—First day of a 10 day Academic Conference in 2020 Today began the first-ever Virtual SBLAAR Conference. This seeming innocuous shift actually impacted my personal life in several ways. I have traveled on the third weekend of November to exotic American locations, like Boston and San Antonio, for the past decade. These…

A Guided Tour of Ethics in the Old Testament

This blog post is condensed and reworked from a presentation I made at Society for Biblical Literature, 2022, in Denver, CO (#SBLAAR22) for the Biblical Ethics Section: Panel Review of John Goldingay’s “Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour.” John Goldingay is one of the most prolific and influential Old Testament scholars. He has written an…

Cinematic Religion Presentation Handouts & Resources

  This is a companion page to my presentation at SBLAAR22 (Society of Biblical Literature, American Academy of Religion) in Denver, CO. Below, you will find resource materials from the course I developed, first taught at the University of Oregon, Clark Honors College, 2021, links to other resources, and information referenced in my presentation. For…

Religion & Pop Culture Resources

This resource page encourages conversation and interaction with topics related to popular culture and religion or theology. People generally acknowledge that religion influences a lot of spaces in our lives, but once you start looking for religion, you will find it pretty much everywhere. A quick image search on your favorite television show will generate…